East Riding Culture and Heritage Survey
Help shape the future of culture and heritage in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council is currently leading the development of a Culture and Heritage Strategy for the area.
This strategy sets out to be ambitious and will be crucial in influencing local culture and heritage. It aspires to celebrate the identity of the East Riding, promote education and inclusivity, and attract future investment to strengthen the local offer.
Arts, culture and heritage can mean many different things to people. It can relate to museums, galleries, theatre, art, dance, cinema, film, libraries or gaming to name a few activities.
Culture is hugely important to our communities, and we want to hear about your experience of the arts, culture and heritage in the East Riding of Yorkshire to ensure that it meets the needs and aspirations of local people and the sector.
Whether you're a designer, producer, artist, cultural professional, or have a passion for the arts and culture we want to hear from you.
Please share your thoughts by completing this short survey and please help us to gain a diversity of insights by circulating this invitation through your networks.